Category Archives of : Weight Management

Those Unwanted Pounds!

One of the very best parts of cellular nutrition is the knowledge that you are on a program that empowers the principle of feeding each and every cell the most appropriate and optimal nourishment.  So, great!  Right off the bat you know your not going to starve or be undernourished!  Now, what if, on top […]

Say No to Diets and Yes to Eating Right

There’s always a stigma that goes along with the word diet. It resonates across the nation as a bittersweet attempt to lose weight while eating small portions of unsatisfying foods and fighting back your constant hunger day-to-day. It seems that if you’ve tried one diet, you’ve tried them all. Chances are that any results you […]

Don’t be Fooled by Diets

Have you ever noticed that diets just don’t work? Sure, you can cut carbs out of your diet or eliminate sugar from the foods you consume, but once your eating-right session has passed, you’re certain to pack on the pounds at your waistline. The solution is simple and it doesn’t involve looking for a newer […]

Health Specific Personalization!

Contributing highly to my choosing herbalife cellular nutrition, was the fact that herbalife had been around for about thirty years and enjoyed a great reputation for highly effective, natural products.  I really wanted something that’s effective, yet organic and drug free.  To me, this is the healthiest way to go. And even better, since herbalife […]

Healthy Power Source!

You know I’ve spent quite a bit of my time looking into what I think is the superior way to approach nutrition.  After much scrutiny, and a few experiments, when I personalized my program I wanted to make sure it included a couple specific things. First of all, I wanted to manage my weight with […]