Category Archives of : Weight Management

Never Boring!

Do you sometimes have to entice yourself to stick to your diet?  If so, you’re not alone!  I’m one of those that needs to like what I eat no matter what!  If anything tastes bland or like diet food, I just can’t get myself interested! I’d honestly have to find something else for my diet […]

It Works!

Every day, when I get up, I make myself a cup of herbal tea from herbalife’s concentrate.  My favorite is the raspberry tea.  The nickname for this tea is drink and drink and shrink.  That’s because it contains extracts from green, oolong, black and pekoe teas for a super, yet natural, metabolism boost.  Usually I […]

Give Yourself A Break!

Being overweight comes with so many potential problems. The risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer or diabetes, just to name a few, is at a much higher rate of probability when we are obese.  And besides all the potential problems, it just looks and feels bad and will leave you unhappy! Did you know that a […]

Let’s Get Focused!

Among the sports activities I like to do is play tennis.  The reason I like it is that it’s an “all encompassing” sport.  By that I mean you not only get a great work out with all the running, but you have to really concentrate.  Your hand/eye coordination is critical and you have to have […]

No Short Outs!

Have you ever been working out, or doing any kind of activity that caused you to cramp up in your muscles?  Well, if so, there are numerous possible reasons for that, but probably the most frequent reason is due to the depletion of electrolytes.  The natural salts in our system are needed for proper muscular […]