Category Archives of : Weight Management

What Fun!

I was speaking with my friend Katrin the other day.  She and I are on the same nutrition team so we talk health strategy all the time.  She’s one of those wonderfully supportive friends that encourages me to keep going on my plan until I reach my health goals!  And you know, it’s funny, the […]

World Traveler Diet

Every once in a great while, I get the opportunity to travel.  This year I’m actually going to be in Europe for almost a month.  I’m so grateful that I’m actually going to see some things over there that I honestly thought I’d only ever read about!  I’m feeling very lucky about that. And, of […]

Happier Too!

You know it’s so very simple to calculate what your body needs to get into shape, that I think that’s why we let go so often.  And then it’s off to the races with a vicious cycle of overindulgence and taking food that’s not only loaded with too many calories, but not even good calories […]

Glad I Found Them!

So many people I know have done so well fighting the battle of unwanted pounds.  In fact there are enough of them that we actually do a lot of working out, playing games and other physical activities together.  I’m so grateful to be part of a happy, healthy group of friends.  I’d be lost without […]

Personal Protein

One of the most important elements of a weight management program is making sure you’re getting the best amount of protein for your body.  Protein, loaded with nutritious amino acids, will produce good energy and keep you feeling full while your body absorbs those essential nutrients. There are three basic herbalife diet plans.  There’s on […]