You know how a machine, or any mechanism really, is claimed to have a “weakest link”?  Well, a general consensus is that the weakest link in the human body is probably the joints and surrounding areas.  As with most mechanisms, maintenance  can really pay off in terms of extending the length of time it runs smoothly.  And yes, similarly, the same can be said about joint maintenance.

Often with machinery, lubrication with grease and oil can be the key to smooth running.  With joints, a popular substance for use in maintaining joint health is glucosamine chondroitin.  Glucosamine is an amino acid that has proven to be considerably effective in the relief of aching joints and ligaments.  Glucosamine can promote the growth of cartilage and supply basic building nutrients for healthy joint support.  Chondroitin is a major component in cartiledge that cushions the joints.  Chondroitin has been clinically proven to reduce swelling and stiffness.  Consistent joint support is highly advisable, especially if you’re maintaining a good workout regimen!

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