Did you know that krill is often used for sport fishing?  That’s right, these little shrimp like critters make good bait!  Besides eaten as food for us, they’re also used to feed aquarium fish.  Besides all this, did you know that krill oil contains a powerful pack of omega 3 benefits?

Krill captured for krill oil, is processed into capsule form and can be found through numerous venues on the market today.  Besides providing omega 3 DHA and EPA fatty acids that seem to be more easily absorbed by our bodies, krill oil is also popular for its antioxidant known as astaxanthin.  Astaxanthin is responsible for the bright red pigment that colors shrimp, lobster and krill.  Besides omega 3 benefits, as a bonus this antioxidant helps protect our bodies and cells from free radical damage and oxidation damage from the environment. If dynamite comes in small packages, using krill oil supplements in your health regimen is arming yourself with one dynamite shrimp like creature!

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