Tag Archives of : best tasting meal replacements

The Right Fuel!

One of the most important elements of our daily lives is nutrition.  Do you have the right fuel to get through the day?  By that I mean, are you eating meals that provide enough energy but leave you feeling overly full?  Or, do you feel like you’re not getting proper sustenance because you feel hungry […]

Never Better!

While we’ve been on the topic of optimal health nutrition, I wanted to mention the importance of optimal food intake.  By this I mean optimal calorie intake.  It’s not going to be very healthy for you if you take in too many calories no matter how healthy the food is!  Especially for those of us […]

Glad I Found Them!

So many people I know have done so well fighting the battle of unwanted pounds.  In fact there are enough of them that we actually do a lot of working out, playing games and other physical activities together.  I’m so grateful to be part of a happy, healthy group of friends.  I’d be lost without […]

Find The Best Tasting Meal Replacements!

When speaking of healthy meals, fulfilling the required amount of minerals,vitamins and nutrients on a daily basis, it’s important that we take care to not make our diet some sort of punishment!  What do I mean by that?  What I’m saying is while we are being disciplined, and we need to be about what we […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part sixty)

OK.  So the doctor told me it would be good to get into better shape.  And, making complete sense, that meant I needed to drop some weight.  To do that, I needed to do a little cardiovascular work, meaning some kind of physical activity, and be conscious of what I was eating.  So, what was […]