Tag Archives of : diet herbalife program

A Dieting Relief!

When I first met my fellow team members, and began my health and weight management program, I really didn’t know what to expect.  I simply thought I was going to be hungry all the time and pretty much be in a bad mood!  The only experience I had with dieting was when I was a […]

Supporting Diet Goals

So when you’re challenging yourself to calculate the calories and be disciplined about physical activity for the purpose of trimming up and getting into shape, finding  a good plan you can stick to can be of enormous help.  I know my diet herbalife program truly makes it easier to know what to eat without taking […]

Enjoy Your Food!

Just the other day after a workout with my work out partner, Marnie, we decided to have lunch together.  Neither of us was surprised when we agreed that when your dieting and working out how truly hungry you can get when it’s time to eat!  And, we really agreed how important it is therefore, that […]

The Natural Way To Go!

So many of us simply have no time to just set aside for a daily exercise program that for many the whole concept of weight management is flat out frustrating!  I hear this complaint almost daily instead of hearing about how the daily workout is going!  So I know that people really need some assistance […]

Solid Foundation!

You know, I’m not a doctor or a nutrition specialist, but it didn’t take much thinking at all to figure out just how vital proper nutrition is to good health.  Granted when I was quite young, and thought that I would never die, let alone even get sick, I didn’t think much about the topic […]