Tag Archives of : herbalife diet plans

Valuable Herbalife Diet Plans

So lets say you’ve begun to diet and want to lose weight.  After a little time, you’ll want to ask yourself how that’s working?  Are you seeing the results you’ve been seeking?  Sometimes, in order to start losing weight, you might have to find out what will really work.  And that’s where companies that have […]

Herbalife Health Nutrition

Not only does what you eat affect your shape and the look and texture of your skin, but it greatly affects how you feel and how rapidly you age.  And it’s really no big mystery, but there are a few basic things that are absolutely vital to remember.  For instance, drinking water helps you metabolize […]

What About Herbalife?

Whether you are a serious body builder or athlete, or simply want to improve your health or just want to loose weight, the one key I find to be invaluable is to make sure you’re doing whatever you choose with cellular nutrition.  The cells are not only the basic unit of our bodies, but are […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part sixty-three)

So, once I discovered the value of low carb meal replacements that were high in protein to curb my hunger pangs, I got interested in finding out how many calories I was taking in!  That way I could actually start to plan my daily menu for health! I looked at a lot of different plans […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part sixty)

OK.  So the doctor told me it would be good to get into better shape.  And, making complete sense, that meant I needed to drop some weight.  To do that, I needed to do a little cardiovascular work, meaning some kind of physical activity, and be conscious of what I was eating.  So, what was […]