Tag Archives of : herbalife diet plans

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-nine)

Looking back on the beginning of my examination of the choices I was making concerning health and nutrition, I’m surprised to recall that it really had nothing to do with what I called nutrition at all!  It wasn’t like I was looking for good herbalife diet plans!  The truth is, I was just not feeling […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-one)

As I continue on my diet herbalife program and enjoy investigating all the ingredients, vitamins, minerals and botanical nutrients available for our bodies, I have to acknowledge that sometimes I’m a bit overwhelmed by what’s been happening to and for me!  It’s no joke that a lot has changed with me. Just taking the health […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twenty-seven)

So what makes certain things so crucial in a diet, or a “get in shape”, or a “just have more energy” kind of program?  Well, you can start with what’s essential to experiencing good health.  One of the primary, and absolutely necessary, ingredients in such a program is good nutrition.  So if good nutrition is […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part five)

Well, here I was, less than a week into my herbalife diet plans, and feeling just great!  So great in fact, that I’m now becoming an avid investigator of all these products I was taking and loving!  You’ll recall I started by looking into cell activator… Examining information about, and taking, herbalife cell activator was […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part four)

Wanting to find out what the “enhancers” were, I decided to really focus and investigate thoroughly.  I found out the enhancers are a group of pharmaceutical grade herbalife supplements that are designed to provide extra support for the actual weight loss process during herbalife diet plans. In the advanced program there are five enhancers that […]