Tag Archives of : herbalife

Just Relax

We have all experienced skeletal pain caused by injuries, a bad medical condition or even just a bad sleeping position.  We will see a doctor if we think it is a serious condition.  But in some cases, we just reach out for a muscle relaxer to ease our pain. Muscle relaxers act on the Central […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (Part forty-three)

When you do choose appropriate energy boosters that are natural and organic, after a time, you will begin to experience a higher sustained energy level throughout your day.  I found that once I began experiencing that boost in metabolism, I actually was inspired to begin being more physically active.  Many of my colleagues that are […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part forty-one)

A little more on kids nutrition…  While it’s true that we’ve all become continually aware of the importance of good nutrition for everyone, including our children, the sad fact remains that some kids only get balanced, nutritious meals at school. And wonderfully, programs like the “Special Milk Program”, “National School Lunch Program” and the “National […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-nine)

The word, “enhance” is defined in the dictionary as to increase or improve, as in value or desirability, to heighten, intensify, magnify.  The reason I bring this up is that in my diet herbalife supplements program, there are numerous supplements that make up a group called enhancers.  And, these supplements are designed in a way […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-eight)

Delving further into my diet herbalife program investigation has brought a new word to my attention.  So, here’s what I’ve learned so far about “Thermogenesis.” A process that creates heat through metabolic stimulation in an organism would come under the heading of Thermogenesis.  Since a metabolic “rev” producing organic heat is associated with calorie or […]