Highly agreed among experts, we all need omega 3 benefits from our diet.  We do not make them in our bodies naturally so we must get them from the food we eat.  The most known source of healthy omega 3 fatty acids is from fish oils.

However, now the most concentrated content of omega 3’s seems to have been found in the shrimp like, sea going krill.  Krill oil is proclaimed to be an in exhaustable source of omega fatty acids because it comes from the largest existing bio-mass in the world.  It would therefore be impossible to run out of it.  Furthermore it has been declared by many experts to be highly superior in content of omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, and to contain a powerful antioxidant, astaxanthin.  Many users of herbalife supplements are turning to a supplement called tri-shield which is a formulated blend mainly composed of krill oil.

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