Tag Archives of : essential amino acids

Fueling Your Program

Since many people are looking to build up their bodies by increasing muscle mass for strength and stamina, protein often becomes a major dietary focus.  Many athletes consume protein in various forms both before and after workouts for muscle building and recovery. Protein after all is the main body building block including for our skin, […]

Most Comfortable!

Of course the very best part of protein is the essential amino acids we absorb from it.  And, if you’re like most people, meals with protein are quite enjoyable and very filling.  After a meal with high protein content, a lot of folks feel a little uncomfortable from a bloating sensation that might actually cause […]

Good Hunting!

By now everyone knows how important protein is to the sustenance of life.  The amino acids we derive from them are absolutely vital nutrients our body needs for stable metabolism.  So, it makes complete sense that protein shakes are a great form of nutrition.  And when it comes to weight management, protein shakes that are […]

Niteworks And Exercise

Looking further into the arginine, nitric oxide connection, studies have shown that they are definitely a connected part of the same process for growth hormone and circulation booster in the body.  It’s been said that agrnine is a precursor to nitric oxide.  Yet, some researches have said that the body has different ways of degrading […]

Painless Protein!

Almost all whole foods contain protein.  Foods containing protein with adequate proportions of all nine essential amino acids necessary for our dietary needs for sustenance are considered complete proteins.  The nine essential amino acids necessary for human life are leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan,  phenylalanine, histidine and lysine.  These essential amino acids are not […]