Tag Archives of : herbalife health nutrition

Don’t Worry About The Kiddies!

When you’re worried about the kiddies getting all the right vitamins, do something fun with nutrition!  You know, kids just love fun things like games, treats and juices.  So, if the little ones are actually too little to really be conscious of optimal nutrition, find a way to make taking multivitamins fun! For instance, there […]

Challenges And Solutions!

There are numerous supplements that target specific health goals.  And, it’s a very good idea to personalize your health routine in ways that support your own particular needs.  Yet, since we are all humans, there are some things all of us need in common. Especially as we grow with age over the years, it becomes […]

Flavor Choice Of The Day!

The other day while I was having my lunch a friend came up and asked what kind of diet I was on when all he can remember is me always having milk shakes!  I laughed and explained that these meal replacements look, and actually taste just as good as milk shakes, but are full of […]

Say No to Diets and Yes to Eating Right

There’s always a stigma that goes along with the word diet. It resonates across the nation as a bittersweet attempt to lose weight while eating small portions of unsatisfying foods and fighting back your constant hunger day-to-day. It seems that if you’ve tried one diet, you’ve tried them all. Chances are that any results you […]

Health Specific Personalization!

Contributing highly to my choosing herbalife cellular nutrition, was the fact that herbalife had been around for about thirty years and enjoyed a great reputation for highly effective, natural products.  I really wanted something that’s effective, yet organic and drug free.  To me, this is the healthiest way to go. And even better, since herbalife […]