Category Archives of : Healthy Heart

Boosting The System

The cardiovascular system organ is comprised of both the cardiovascular system and the lymph system.  When circulation is suffering, nutrient delivery and waste removal is slowed.  This can lead to many forms of health issues.  So maintaining healthy circulation is rather vital for a normal metabolism. Besides nitric oxide production in the body, ginko biloba […]

Nutrient Delivery

It may seem odd, but one of the major ingredients in cardiovascular health is to have and maintain arteries and veins that are supple, flexible and youthful.  This particular condition can enhance blood flow through vasodilation for strong heart health. Many athletes believe one of the ways to maintain healthy circulation, and thereby promote high […]

Kick It Up A Notch!

Do you ever look at someone while they are working out and wonder where do they get all that energy?  Well, if truth be known, some people simply have more natural energy than others.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t increase your energy to a high and active level.  You just have to work at […]

Something For Me!

One of the reasons I settled on the nutrition program I practice, is the multiple choices and freedom to chose the support supplements needed for my own personal health goals.  This kind of personalizing of my program makes me feel like I have a system tailored just for me.  Somehow it simply feels more powerful […]

Extended Benefits!

Ever since the discovery of the towering benefits of omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, the major focus has been on fish oils as being the best substance from which to get them.  And for the most part, that has proven to be true. However, more recent discoveries had led to the fact that […]