Check Conception Off Your Wish List

The number one goal of many childless couples is conception.  If you and your spouse are dismayed by countless doctors visits and tests, then take heart.  Coenzyme Q10 has been shown to vastly improve male fertility besides being great for the heart!

The concentration of Coenzyme Q10 is a prime factor regarding male fertility.  Coenzyme Q10 has been shown in tests to improve sperm count, amplify sperm motility and protect sperm from toxins in the environment.  Female eggs benefit from Coenzyme Q10 as well.

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Trust Nature To Heal Yourself

There are many people who rely on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, in order to treat pain from arthritis.  On the other hand, only a fraction of people diagnosed with arthritis rely upon glucosamine chondroitin, which is a natural supplement.  While NSAIDs provide immediate relief, they also provide troublesome side effects, such as GI tract problems. On the other hand, glucosamine chondroitin provided long-term relief with little to no side effects.

Glucosamine chondroitin also reduces inflammation just as NSAIDs do.  Not only this, but glucosamine chondroitin also slows down the degeneration of joints.  Did you know that the body can heal itself when it’s assisted with the right tools? Why not use a natural tool to improve your health?

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The Whale has it Right

Power delivers a feeling of joy as you observe whales swimming in the ocean.  The intensive healing energy directs towards you, and the longer you look, the better you feel.  Still, there is no need to rely on the energy of whales to get a whopper of an opportunity.  Your brain gets the same boost by taking krill oil!

Choline lets the brain operate at a high level and feel good, and scientists have found it in krill oil.  Krill are tiny creatures resembling shrimp that are the basic whale diet. Think about “whale food” to boost your lagging concentration.

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Scientists Are Seeing the Light

It’s a great day when scientists admit that they’re seeing the light as far as natural supplements are concerned.  More and more researchers are coming on board with regard to the almost-miraculous ability of coenzyme Q10 (CO Q10, or ubiquinone) to stave off certain types of cancer as well as heart disease.  Holistic practitioners have long known that CO Q10 is everywhere in the body – in every cell and every system of every living thing.

Coenzyme Q10 has the potential to do the following, oncology-wise: prevent prostate cancer; defend against melanoma; and potentially weaken or cause breast cancer cells to regress.  It has significantly fewer side effects than traditional chemotherapy, which can result in cardiac damage.  And besides fortifying the cells of the heart, CO Q10 can give a boost to the compromised immune systems of cancer patients.

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Eliminate Pain with Positive Action

Arthritis pain causes people to avoid unnecessary movement that will cause agony in swollen joints. Has it reached the point where you are ready to eliminate pain with positive action? Start defeating arthritis by adding glucosamine chondroitin as a daily supplement.  Whether the joint pain occurs in your neck, ankles, shoulders, back, or knees, it can help!

Natural supplements such as glucosamine chondroitin do not work as quickly as traditional medications, so consistency is key.  In addition, they are working to rebuild and repair the damaged cartilage that is causing the pain.  Six to eight weeks is the average time used before observing the difference.

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