Which is Better – Surgery or Supplement?

If your choices are having surgery or taking a natural supplement, which option would you choose?  What would you do if you could save your teeth without submitting to gum surgery?  Although some people are skeptics, natural remedies have been helping people for hundreds of years.

Periodontal disease, caused by bacteria which form plaque, is common in the US.  Researchers have found that diseased gum tissues are lacking in coenzyme Q10.  Long ago, clinical studies proved that coenzyme Q10 stops the progression of gum disease and actually starts healing the gums.  It reverses gum disease, and it does it without the need for surgery, just think what it can do for your heart!  So, which would you choose – surgery or supplement?

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At Times, One Thing Goes With Another

At times, one thing goes with another, such as soup and sandwich, hotdogs and mustard, and glucosamine and chrondroitin.  Join them together to maximize their ability to heal, even though either supplement works without the other.  Treating arthritis is a benefit of taking glucosamine chondroitin.

Synovial fluid lubricates the joints and glucosamine chrondroitin boosts its production.  Alone, glucosamine makes healthy cartilage while blocking enzymes that attack joint cartilage. Arthritic deterioration slows down with chrondroitin supplements.  There are no bad side effects such as with NSAIDs, and it further works against inflammation caused by arthritis.

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Help Your Ticker Be In Tip-Top Shape

Is your heart in tip-top shape?  If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or certain other health issues, taking krill oil just might help your heart.  It’s a natural supplement with some impressive health benefits.

Krill resemble tiny shrimp, and they are “mined” in the Antarctic Ocean.  Based on the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity level of krill, its oil contains 300 times more Vitamin A and Vitamin E than fish oil, along with 48 times the antioxidants.  Shrewd people are discovering that  krill oil, like that from Herbal Wise, can help their tickers, brains and skin be in tip-top shape because of the nutrients it contains.

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Don’t Be “Statin-Happy”

From a holistic perspective, mainstream medicine seems to be “statin-happy” in its treatments for high cholesterol.  Unfortunately, statins are lethal drugs.  In addition to potentially attacking your muscles, statins rob your body of its essential coenzyme Q10 (CO Q10).  Please, folks – be informed.  If your physician fails to tell you about the risks of low CO Q10, research the issue for yourself.

Medical doctors dish out statins to try to lower cholesterol levels and thereby reduce the risk of a heart attack.  However, the statins also destroy coenzyme Q10, which is actually our body’s main defense against heart attacks.  Doesn’t this sound like “Catch-22?”

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Over Here! Listen to This

Benefits provided by glucosamine chrondroitin to the human body are no secret.  People tell one another what works for them. Listen to this, though – pets are getting this supplement as their owners recognize the restorative powers.  Like their owners, older pets can suffer the crippling agony of osteoarthritis.

Cartilage deteriorates in the knee and shoulder joints of animals.  Daily activities wear cartilage down, especially in large animals, increasing the possibility of hip dysplasia as with aging.  The pain suffered by your pet as bones rub together continues and worsens as time goes on.  Rebuilding cartilage and slowing down joint deterioration is possible with glucosamine chrondroitin supplements for both of you!

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