Tag Archives of : healthy brain function

Top-Shape Ticker

Is your ticker in top-shape?  If you’ve been diagnosed with high cholesterol, high blood pressure or other health challenges, your heart might benefit from a little helper called krill oil.  If you’re not familiar with this natural supplement, its health benefits are numerous and pretty phenomenal. The krill, which replicates a miniature shrimp, is mined […]

Just Say Yes

The media constantly affirms we should “just say no” to abusing our body.  But, maintaining a negative mindset in other areas might persuade us to refuse good things of life.  Would you agree to open your mind to the possibility that a majority of natural therapies are helpful, not harmful? If so, “just say yes” […]

You Lose, You Win

We’re not referring to weight loss, which by the way is a good thing. We’re talking about getting rid of excess triglycerides that have piled-up due to our Western way of life. Eating unmindfully invites our body to store excess calories as triglycerides in our fat cells. If this type fat continues flowing though the […]

What’s A Krill, Can It Help?

Individuals looking to increase their intake of omega 3 fatty acids usually turn to krill oil. This is something that is extracted from shrimp-like crustaceans and turned into a supplement for humans. The benefits behind omega 3 are endless, especially if you want to live a healthier life. While omega 3 helps circulate blood better, […]

Become The Healthier You!

There are tons of omega 3 benefits to help you live a longer and healthier life. Whether its alleviating pain and inflammation, providing better brain function, reducing stress and depression, or preventing heart attacks and strokes, we should all have the proper amount in our bodies. Most men utilize it to reduce the chance of […]