Tag Archives of : stress management

Refuel Your Body With Quality Sleep And Care

Each person requires a different amount of sleep.  Those suffering from diseases falling under the category of rheumatism, such as lupus, arthritis and fibromyalgia, need sufficient quality sleep to heal. When pain prevents sleep and rest, we recommend medications such as muscle relaxers to ease the pain so you can sleep. If you are using […]

What’s A Krill, Can It Help?

Individuals looking to increase their intake of omega 3 fatty acids usually turn to krill oil. This is something that is extracted from shrimp-like crustaceans and turned into a supplement for humans. The benefits behind omega 3 are endless, especially if you want to live a healthier life. While omega 3 helps circulate blood better, […]

Become The Healthier You!

There are tons of omega 3 benefits to help you live a longer and healthier life. Whether its alleviating pain and inflammation, providing better brain function, reducing stress and depression, or preventing heart attacks and strokes, we should all have the proper amount in our bodies. Most men utilize it to reduce the chance of […]

Creating Better Sleep Patterns/Refreshing The Body

Individuals suffering from arthritis, rheumatoid and fibromyalgia can experience many sleepless nights. Sometimes the pain is just too much to bear, which makes medications like muscle relaxers appropriate. If you haven’t tried them yet, we highly recommend it, especially if you’re struggling to get the proper amount of sleep. Our bodies recover and rejuvenate themselves […]

Renewal Of Tradition!

Did you know that the compound drugs used in medical pain relievers actually cut off the impulses from the nerves sent to the brain signaling pain?  For me, these are just a little bit “over-kill” if you’re simply needing to relax or get a pulled or strained muscle group to release and recuperate. A lot […]