Pssst! We’ve Got A Secret

You’ve probably heard about the benefits of Glucosamine Chrondroitin for humans. You may have even used it successfully. But, we’ve got a secret – veterinarians are beginning to prescribe this supplement for aging pets! With good reason, osteoarthritis cripples pets, in the same manner as it attacks humans.  Larger animals, like their owners, are subject to hip dysplasia as they age, due to everyday wear and tear on cartilage.

Bone literally rubs on bone, which puts your beloved companion in a constant pain state. All sized animals experience cartilage deterioration in joints such as shoulder and knee, just like we do!  Glucosamine Chrondroitin supplements slow down joint deterioration and helps promote the rebuilding of healthy cartilage.

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Up Your Odds!

Are you on a mission to up your odds for a healthy life? What if we told you about a sea creature that certain other sea creatures consider a delicacy?  What if we said this is not a new, improved version of anything, but a new valuable discovery about a routine causing benefits our fishing ancestors simply got daily in their diet?  And now it’s even beyond just fish.

Krill oil is a product of “little shrimp like” creatures called krill.  The oil from krill will naturally balance your omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Among, big benefits, krill oil will reduce your bad cholesterol and increase your good cholesterol while greatly enhancing healthy brain function as well. You don’t have to mine the ocean for krill fish, simply start taking this natural supplement.

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Change of Heart

Heart disease is the leading killer of women. Yet, it’s amazing how few women (and men) know the symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. We encourage your efforts to experience a change of heart, by getting proactive.  Are you aware that people in heart failure present with reduced levels of coenzyme Q10 (Coq10)?

CoQ10 supplement will aid the heart in eradicating free radicals and “pump-up” its energy production. In full congestive heart failure, blood pools in our legs and lungs, because the heart’s pumping action is severely limited. Power-full Coenzyme Q10 may be the change of heart that saves your life!

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Some Things Are Just Meant To Be Together

Some things are just meant to be together like – baseball and Cracker Jack; flowers and romance – glucosamine and chrondrotin. When taken by themselves, either supplement works, but together their healing power is magnified. Glucosamine chrondrotin is best known for treatment of arthritic conditions.

Chrondrotin relieves inflammation of arthritis, minus the undesirable side effects of conventional NSAIDs. It also decelerates effects of arthritic deterioration. Glucosamine both obstructs enzymes that weaken joint cartilage and manufactures new, healthy cartilage. Together, glucosamine chrondrotin work to boost the production of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints.

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Whale Of A Deal

Have you ever watched whales and felt mesmerized? Observe them long enough and you’ll likely feel a strange sense of well-being. This happens because whales are projecting their healing energy towards you. But, you don’t have to work with energy to get a whale of a deal. You’ll benefit from the same incredible brain boost by taking krill oil!

Whales subsist on shrimp-like creatures called krill. Scientists have determined that krill oil contains choline, which our brain needs to feel good and function at its optimal level. If you’re having trouble concentrating and/or forgetting things, consider taking “whale food”.

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