Tag Archives of : cellular nutrition

Get Alert and Energized!

OK, so you’ve started to really get into the groove and find yourself working out pretty vigorously at least every other day.  You’re being responsible and making sure you’re getting the right nutrition, staying properly hydrated and getting the good rest needed to recuperate for the next workout.  You feel great, and that’s great!  But […]

Don’t Get Dizzy!

Just yesterday, I was doing my personal exercise program at the gym where I work out and I actually started feeling a little dizzy.  I’ve been getting in better and better shape, so getting dizzy didn’t seem likely.  So what was wrong?   Well, truth is, I’ve been getting is such better shape that I’ve begun […]

Ensure Healthy Development!

For a lot of the parents out there, simply caring for and playing with the little ones of the family becomes the only physical activity program possible.  That’s perfectly understandable, after all it takes a lot of energy to raise children.  My only suggestion is that you find little activities that help you get some […]

Customize Your Supplements!

Speaking of “favorites” among the items in my diet herbalife program, there are so many fantastic supplements to choose from, it’s hard to consider any particular one of them to be the best.  I mean, I don’t know what I’d do without my aloe vera juice, but the same can be said for my cell […]

What’s Your Favorite Flavor?!

I have a lot of “favorites” in my diet herbalife program, which is great on so many levels!  Can you imagine being on a weight loss diet that you hated?!  Believe me, I’ve done it and it’s the very worst.  On top of not enjoying whatever you get to eat, you end up not losing […]