Tag Archives of : cellular nutrition

Keep Your Healthy Heart!

Of course, when we’re working out and/or staying physically active for our health it’s extremely beneficial towards invigorating our metabolism.  Nothing like “keeping the blood pumping”!  And that means supporting your cardiovascular health. Dr. Lou Ignarro works with Herbalife and guided the development of Niteworks, an excellent supplement that promotes the natural production of nitric […]

Joint Sprain Prevention

During our physical activities and workouts, a key concern can be joint injury.  There are several things we can do to help prevent joint sprains.  One of the best pieces of advice I ever received is that I make sure to warm up thoroughly before beginning the strenuous part of my work out.  For instance, […]

Never Better!

While we’ve been on the topic of optimal health nutrition, I wanted to mention the importance of optimal food intake.  By this I mean optimal calorie intake.  It’s not going to be very healthy for you if you take in too many calories no matter how healthy the food is!  Especially for those of us […]

Protect Your Nutrition!

We are all so aware of how important nutrition has become.  So many environmental challenges have manifested problems in our world that almost daily we hear of some part of our food supply being labeled as unhealthy or even harmful!  So what does one do to make sure they and their loved ones get the […]

Feels So Good!

One of the herbalife supplements Katrin and I were raving about the other day, has to do with boosting metabolism to build alertness and energy.  What’s interesting, and truly great about it, is it’s a “fat burner” without being a fat burner like the ones that are bad for us.  This one simply burns fat […]