Tag Archives of : cellular nutrition

Inspiring Beauty!

You know, once in a while you just have to acknowledge those around you for the good things they do.  In this case, I just want to say that my fellow team members, on our diet herbalife program team, are all doing such great things for their personal health, and being such great examples to […]

Fine Tuning!

Something I want to make sure I’m doing is absorbing as much of the good nutrition from my chosen diet as possible.  In a way, we’re like machines that require fuel to run.  But unlike machines, we are able to fine tune ourselves and choose our own fuel.  The more finely we tune ourselves the […]

For The Kids!

While we’re on the subject of making sure the “kiddies” get all their proper nutrition on a daily basis, we were suggesting that somehow making daily multivitamins fun to take.  Well, did you know that herbalife has done something for the kids that they just love? There’s a great multivite that the kids just can’t […]

Challenges And Solutions!

There are numerous supplements that target specific health goals.  And, it’s a very good idea to personalize your health routine in ways that support your own particular needs.  Yet, since we are all humans, there are some things all of us need in common. Especially as we grow with age over the years, it becomes […]

Those Unwanted Pounds!

One of the very best parts of cellular nutrition is the knowledge that you are on a program that empowers the principle of feeding each and every cell the most appropriate and optimal nourishment.  So, great!  Right off the bat you know your not going to starve or be undernourished!  Now, what if, on top […]