Tag Archives of : cellular nutrition


Where do those people who seem to always have more energy, lighter attitudes and a general wellness about them come from and how did they get that way?  Quite a mystery isn’t it?  Yet, it’s true, we’ve all seen it.  There is that special group of people who always seem to be engaged in life […]

Used For Centuries

It’s truly amazing the amount of uses from so many different herbs have been discovered and developed over the years.  Today, while I’m looking into the traditional Chinese medicinal herb, Schisandra chinensis, well known as the five flavor berry of the north, I have to say I’m very impressed by the numerous reasons it’s been […]

Where’s Your Omega’s?

Well, it’s been a common fact for quite a while now that fish oils can make major contributions to one’s heart healthy program. Healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels can be held in check when a healthy diet contains omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. The effects of omega 3 fatty acids have been proven again […]

Boys Like It Too!

In particular, muscle relaxers known as spasmolytics are the relaxers of choice for easing discomfort.  Their are centrally acting classified muscle relaxants focused toward the relief of muscular discomfort and spasms.  Doctors frequently recommend spasmolytics for back pain, neck discomfort and tension head aches. But, there is no overwhelming evidence that there is one drug […]

Treat Of Health!

When the youngsters are hard at play, every parent knows how difficult it is to bring their focus to remembering things that need to be taken care of responsibly like nutrition.  I mean, who wants to break up a thrilling game of hide and seek just to pay attention to something like health?!  Ah, to […]