Monthly Archives of : July, 2011

Best At Night!

Nitric oxide (NO), can be a key ingredient in the stimulation of blood flow and therefore is of great interest in the studies concerning heart disease.  While naturally produced by the body, the amount of nitric oxide produced varies during different periods of the day. The natural bodily production of nitric oxide is lowest during […]

Joint Repair

Did you know there are over seventy-five million members of the ‘baby boomer’ generation?  That’s why it’s easy to see that joint health is a nation wide focus!  With that many senior citizens working on staying healthy, and physically active, we can certainly understand the popularity of anything that could reduce the pains of joint […]

Boys Like It Too!

In particular, muscle relaxers known as spasmolytics are the relaxers of choice for easing discomfort.  Their are centrally acting classified muscle relaxants focused toward the relief of muscular discomfort and spasms.  Doctors frequently recommend spasmolytics for back pain, neck discomfort and tension head aches. But, there is no overwhelming evidence that there is one drug […]

Energizing Through The Pangs

The Guarana flower is botanically known as Paullinia cupana H.B.K. from the family Sapindaceae. This climbing shrub is principally present in South America and Uruguay along with other regions of the Amazonian rain forest. The guarana seed paste is consumed by peoples of those nations who also employ the guarana plant to create hot herbal […]

Happy When Hydrated!

Have you ever been doing an exerting activity, like working out or playing a physical game, and suddenly had inexplicable contractions or cramps in your muscles?  If you are at all active you’ve probably come up against this kind of phenomenon at least once in your life.  A lot of people don’t realize that’s usually […]