Tag Archives of : EPA and DHA fatty acids

Studied And Growing!

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fats that our bodies need but cannot make.  Coming from fish oil, they are as the name implies, taken from the tissues of oily fish and are valuable in many aspects of health care.  Fish oil supplements are even recommended for pregnant women since it is known that the […]

Be Picky!

One thing that’s become pretty clear, since I’ve started my diet herbalife program, is that not only have I become much more educated about my personal nutrition, but I’ve become much more picky!  I really have!  Sometimes I really can’t figure out what I was thinking before looking into cellular nutrition.  I honestly think I […]

Try The Fish Oil!

As early as the 30’s, omega 3 fatty acids have had the scientific proof of being important for normal growth and health.  Since the newer, more purified omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, arrived on the nutritional scene, awareness of omega 3 benefits has dramatically increased. Benefits of DHA and EPA omega 3 are […]

Omega 3 Benefits of Krill Oil!

Yep, that’s our story and we’re sticking to it!  Antarctic Neptune krill oil is believed to be even more potent in omega 3 fatty acids content than the average fish oil.  Essential fatty acids are exactly what their name says.  They are necessary for healthy life, helping the brain, cardio, prostate and more! Since we […]

Great Omega 3 Benefits!

Supplements from fish oils are the best source of omega 3 fatty acids.  Daily consumption of omega 3 fatty acids is one of the most effective ways to help yourself stay in good shape and safeguard against a range of numerous diseases. As a preventative health measure, these supplements are a smart lifestyle choice simply […]