Tag Archives of : healthy cholesterol level

What Next?!

When you think of it, amazing things often are discovered from coincidence.  After all, the famous stories about immunization and penicillin are truly entertaining and yet turned out to change the way the world did things!  The same sort of thing is happening in the world of omega 3 discoveries. Omega 3 benefits were actually […]

Where’s Your Omega’s?

Well, it’s been a common fact for quite a while now that fish oils can make major contributions to one’s heart healthy program. Healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels can be held in check when a healthy diet contains omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. The effects of omega 3 fatty acids have been proven again […]

Popular Little Krill!

Omega 3 benefits continue to grow in number with ongoing research.  Without doubt, essential fatty acids DHA and EPA have impacted the knowledge of health supporting supplements and are natural substances in much demand today.  After all, omega 3 fatty acids have shown to substantially reduce the risk of heart disease and thereby cardiac arrest.  […]

Studied And Growing!

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fats that our bodies need but cannot make.  Coming from fish oil, they are as the name implies, taken from the tissues of oily fish and are valuable in many aspects of health care.  Fish oil supplements are even recommended for pregnant women since it is known that the […]

Fine Tuning The Heart

When all is said and done, the plain reason physical activity and workout exercise is important is the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system.  That’s right, just to keep the blood pumping through the veins!  Just think how important blood flow is.  Blood circulation delivers nutrients to the cells and carries away waste. Ultimately, the […]